Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Twilight Breaking Dawn: They need to make it into a movie!!!
********************************Spoiler alert!!***************************************
"With New Moon likely to make yet another metric fuckk of money this weekend we need to find the bright side to the entire Twilight mania. There must be something good that comes from this awful Mormon fantasy that seems to have invaded our culture on every front. That something is the eventual movie version of Breaking Dawn.
Even though New Moon has made a bazillion dollars and even though the third Twilight book, Eclipse, is already filming, Summit has declined to announce the fourth and final Twilight book as a movie. There's a good reason for this: Breaking Dawn is completely f**k insane, and it is probably totally unfilmable. But if they do film it... man, we are in for a treat.
Breaking Dawn opens with Bella Swan, the lacteal heroine of the series, finally getting married to Edward Cullen, the mopey vampire hero. They go off to honeymoon on Isle Esme, a Brazilian island the Cullen clan owns (this is already ridiculous beyond belief. Imagine a vampire going snorkeling; it basically happens in this book), and Edward is afraid to f**k his new bride. The reason: he's super strong and she's just a human - Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex type of situation here. But Bella wears him down and Edward throws it in her - and knocks her the f**k out, leaving her badly bruised.
Let's go over that again: Edward f**k Bella into unconsciousness. This alone should have you running to Fandango to pre-order your tickets, but it only gets better.
Despite being knocked out cold by his sexual style (and having the headboard destroyed), Bella goes back to Edward for seconds. This time he knocks her up. Yes, an undead vampire apparently has enough viable sperm to impregnate a human woman while f**k her off the coast of Rio de Janero. Stephenie Meyer, you fabulous idiot!
The baby in Bella's belly starts growing incredibly fast. And it starts hurting Bella, as each kick it gives has the super strength of a vampire behind it. As it grows, Bella gets sicker, and then the good stuff starts. The baby kicks so hard it breaks Bella's ribs and then severs her spine. Are you imagining Kristen Stewart wearing a fake pregnancy belly and pretending to have been suddenly crippled by her own fetus? Because I am and it's making me laugh and laugh and laugh.
Oh wait, I missed something. Edward is completely freaked out about the baby, fearing it will kill Bella. He tries to convince her to get an abortion (but seriously, how could she? Vampires are tough to kill even in this shitty series), and goes so far as asking Native American wolfboy Jacob to impregnate his wife so that she can have the baby she desperately wants. I'm dizzy with how ridiculous this is, and we're just getting started.
Eventually the baby starts to get born and Bella is dying. The baby has telepathy, by the way, so everybody can read its thoughts while it's in the womb, and it turns out to have an essentially adult mind. Like Alia in Dune; I would accuse Stephenie Meyer of ripping this off, but anyone who thinks that Meyer might have read Frank Herbert has never been within spitting distance of Twilight. The woman is a moron.
In a moment that demands to be shown on the silver screen, Edward gives Bella an emergency C-section with his f**k teeth. It's like something out of XTro, for the love of God. It's so horrible it's brilliant, and this scene alone is why I remain firm in declaring that David Cronenberg must direct Breaking Dawn. This is surely his movie.
Once the baby is out, Bella gets vamped by Edward, as she's about to die at any moment. Then comes the most astonishing turn of events in 21st century literature, and possibly in the entire history of awful fiction aimed at tweens: Jacob the werewolf, who has been madly in love with Bella, sees the new baby girl and immediately imprints on her. What this means, in layman's terms, is that he falls in love with the baby.
I want to pull this out on its own: Jacob falls in love with a baby.
The book makes no bones about this; while Jacob doesn't want to f**k the baby right off the bat, he can't stand to be away from it and visits everyday. His love has been transferred from Bella to the baby (who has the tongue shattering name Renesmee), and because of the science behind imprinting he'll love her forever. So one day he's going to stick his wolf d**k in this girl that he see as a bloody newborn. Romance is not dead, it's just being abused by insane Mormon writers.
There's more in Breaking Dawn - the Volturi come back, for one thing - but these are the main amazing events that demand this book to be turned into a film. I will not rest until I have seen a movie in which a werewolf falls in love with a baby. Hell, once I've seen a werewolf fall in love with a baby I may quit movie watching - I will have seen the ultimate culmination of a century of cinema. The entire film of Breaking Dawn would play like the weirdest exploitation film since Doris Wishman died - brutal sex, bizarre body horror, unbelievable pedophilia.
A werewolf falling in love with a baby. This is why Thomas Edison invented this shit in the first place. So we could see a werewolf fall in love with a baby."
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club- Beat The Devil's Tatoo
The trio is primed to embark on a North American headline tour upon release, kicking off February 26 in Sacramento and culminating at New York City’s Webster Hall on April 8. Pre-sale for all shows will start Wednesday, December 2 including a show at Slim’s in their original hometown of San Francisco, CA on release day.
February 26 Sacramento, CA Harlow’s
February 27 Reno, NV Knitting Factory
February 28 Las Vegas, NV Wasted Space @ Hard Rock Hotel
March 2 Denver, CO Gothic Theatre
March 4 Boise, ID Knitting Factory
March 5 Seattle, WA Showbox Market
March 6 Vancouver, B.C. Commodore
March 7 Portland, OR Wonder Ballroom
March 9 San Francisco, CA Slim’s
March 13 San Diego, CA House of Blues
March 14 Los Angeles, CA Echoplex
March 18 Dallas, TX House of Blues
March 20 Houston, TX House of Blues
March 21 Tulsa, OK Cain’s Ballroom
March 23 St. Louis, MO Pageant
March 24 Madison, WA High Noon
March 25 Chicago, IL Metro
March 26 Milwaukee, WI Turner Hall Ballroom
March 27 Minneapolis, MN First Ave.
March 30 Columbus, OH Newport Music Hall
March 31 Cleveland, OH House Of Blues
April 1 Toronto, ONT Phoenix
April 2 Montreal, QC La Tulipe
April 3 Boston, MA House of Blues
April 5 Washington, D.C. 9:30 Club
April 6 Philadelphia, PA Theatre of Living Arts
April 7 Pittsburgh, PA Mr. Small's Theatre
April 8 New York, NY Webster Hall
Immediately following the end of the US dates, the band will head across the pond for a string of shows in the UK and Europe. Most shows go on sale 4.12.09 unless otherwise noted below.
April 16 Glasgow, UK ABC
April 17 Whitehaven, UK Civic Hall
April 19 Newcastle, UK University
April 20 Manchester, UK Ritz
April 21 Leamington, UK Spa Assembly
April 22 Southampton, UK Uni
April 23 London, UK Forum
April 24 Nottingham, UK Rock City
April 26 Leeds, UK Academy
April 27 Liverpool, UK Academy
April 28 WolveS, UK Wulfun Hall
April 29 Brighton, UK Concorde 2
May 1 Copenhagen, DK Vega (on sale 8.12.09)
May 2 Hamburg, DE Markthalle (on sale 30.11.09)
May 3 Cologne, DE Essigfabrik (on sale 30.11.09)
May 4 Berlin, DE Postbahnoff (on sale 30.11.09)
May 5 Munich, DE Backstage Werk (on sale 30.11.09)
May 7 Milan, IT Magazzini Generali (on sale TBA)
May 8 Bologna, IT Estragon (on sale TBA)
May 9 Rome, IT Piper (on sale TBA)
May 11 Clermont, FR Ferrand Coop De Mai (on sale 2.12.09)
May 12 Paris, FR Bataclan (on sale 2.12.09)
May 13 Amsterdam, NL Paradiso (on sale 5.12.09)
May 14 Belgium Les Nuits Festival, Marquee (on sale TBA)
May 15 Switzerland Longirock (on sale TBA)
May 17 Vienna, AT Arena

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Best Coast
I love lo-fi music.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Rufi Roulette
Who's in??
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Clare Chk Chk Boom Into My Heart
In case the youtube link doesn't work:
This is what Clare saw:

Clare has to be one of the greatest things to happen in 2009. I want to be with her day and night:

Clare telling the truth:
Love this theory:
"Clare Werbeloff has punk’d the news. Brilliant. For years the news media have been punking us. It took Clare Werbeloff to turn the tables. She punk’d them. She made up the entire “chk chk boom” story on the spur of the moment. What talent! What creativity! What balls!
Years from now, when studying how the media died, I’m sure journalism professors will point to Clare as one of the defining moments. She perfected the media punk model.
1. Be in the right place at the right time.
2. Find a news crew.
3. Make sure you’re looking hawt - the news doesn’t talk to fuglies.
4. Create a somewhat believable story.
5. Here’s the most important part - Come up with an instant catch phrase that works as a 10 second sound bite!
Together we can speed up the end of the old media by punking them over and over, day and night. They won’t know who to believe. And let’s face it - they won’t care. It’s not like they have cared much about what’s true for the last 20 years anyway. What they care about are the three S’s: sensationalism, scandal, and selling advertising. So this is just taking their model to its natural conclusion.
PUNK THE NEWS!",28348,25527760-5014239,00.html
Her twitter!!! (I am definitely following it minute by minute)
More news about Clare:
Pictures of Clare having fun:
Clare having fun with her peeps

Clare ALWAYS looking hawt

The dress rocking sexy Clare

Clare having fun, she is so much fun

Clare being goofy in mud

Clare being super hawt with money in her hand

Clare and cupcakes... she can cook!!! she is perfect

Clare being patriotic!!!

Clare rocking the Australian flag

I don't know about you guys but I am buying my ticket to Australia to party with Clare.
Oh yea, she can sing!!!!
this is going to be the best album of the YEAR!!!
holy shit!!! WTF is this!?!?! lol
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mohawk or Mullet?!?!
So here in USA/Texas mullets are seen as a hick or red neck thing but in Europe, specially Spain its the ultimate style. And well.... I am both so.... its ok I guess. Fuck it, ill just do a Fernando.

The problem is that I will never be as good looking as Fernando and I don't know how good of a stylist Julianna is.
so what is it???
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Top 5 Favorite Live Bands
Thursday, May 14, 2009
That night that I was almost handcuffed in New York
So Camille gave me a book called Heavier Than Heaven ,the biography of Kurt Cobain, to read. During my trip in New York City I was all by myself. I know three people there but I wasnt able to meet any of them. So I decided to just walk around the city and read the book. Everywhere I went I would take the book with me: Yankee Stadium, CitiField Stadium, Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, the subway, Hooters, Comedy Central, Time Square, Brooklyn, Ground Zero, Empire State, Union Square, Washington Square, etc. Every place that I went I would find the time to read it.
Anyways, every night I would go to my favorite pub, O'Sheas, in NYC which is on 19th St and Ave. 7 and watch NBA playoffs as I read the book. On my very last night I went back to the pub and watched the Mavericks play the Spurs. I payed $5 for my first Stella and then my second. The bartender got me a third Stella on the house and then I met a couple who bought me two more Stellas. I think I was there for about three hours talking to the couple, reading the book, listening to really fuckin good music and watching the Mavs rape the Spurs. So I got tired and left to my hostel. As I layed in bed I remembered that I left my book at the pub. I got up and walked to the pub which is only a couple blocks away from my hostel. By the time I got to the pub it was 4am already (bars close at 4am). I tried to get into the pub but the doors were locked. I knocked on the window to ask the bartender for my book but the bartenders were ignoring me. Another couple stood and stared at me as I knocked on the window.
Ah shit, I forgot to tell you about the bar. The bar is on the corner of the street so one side of the bar is facing 7th avenue and the other is facing 19th street.
I was standing on the side facing 7th avenue. So as I am standing there knocking on the window I heard a BANG and then another BANG. I walked a few steps and see a couple of guys throwing trash cans at the pub. Me... being tipsy decided to become the hero and started running toward the couple of guys who threw the trash cans. As I ran about twenty something steps I realized that it was stupid to go after them so I stopped running. Next thing I knew, the bartender tackled me. He semi started wrestling me as I yelled, "It wasn't me!!! It wasn't me!!!" Next thing I know there are a couple of cops asking me questions, one of them was getting ready to handcuff me but I kept telling them that it wasn't me who threw the trash cans. The couple who had seen me knocking on the window earlier walked outside and told the cops that it wasn't me. When asked what was I doing I told them that I came back to get my book. The cops told me to go into the pub and none of the bartenders wanted to give me my book because they were busy doing other things. But after about fifteen minutes a lady gave me my book and I went back to bed to my hostel. And that was that.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Roommate is an Inconsiderate Drunk
Friday, May 8, 2009
So far.. My albums of 2009
Broken Records-Until The Earth Begins To Part
Kevin Burgess- Butterflies At Axis
Camera Obscura-My Maudlin Career
Dark Night of the Soul - Dark Night of the Soul
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz!
Future Of The Left- Travels With Myself And Another
Graham Coxon-The Spinning Top
Howling Bells-Radio Wars
White Rabbits- It's Frightening
Jarvis Cocker - Further Complications
Doves- Kingdom Of Rust
Lily Allen - It's Not Me, It's You
M. Ward - Hold Time
Mando Diao-Give Me Fire
Morrissey - Years of Refusal
Neil Young - Fork In The Road
Nickel Eye-The Time Of The Assassins
Peter Doherty-Grace Wastelands
Boston Spaceships- The Planets Are Blasted
Steve Cradock-The Kundalini Target
The Enemy - Music For The People
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart- The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
The Horrors-Primary Colours
White Lies-To Lose My Life
Franz Ferdinand- Tonight Franz Ferdinand
Strange Boys- And Girl Club
Dark Night Of The Soul- Dark Night Of The Soul
what am i missing?!!?
dark night of the soul
im psyche!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Moving to.... 2
so heres the thing... who wants to fly to Virginia mid August (ill pay) and road trip back to Austin with me??? we can hit some hot spots on the way back.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Moving to....
maybe ill die in Mexico this weekend before I have a chance to move out of Austin.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My mom has an incredible taste in music
Since she cant speak English, when she sings the lyrics to songs she makes up words to sound like to the ones in the song, haha. its fuckin hilarious.
what a cool lady
Monday, April 20, 2009
Interview in Connecticut
Arrived to LaGuardia at Queens. Had a fuckin driver picked me up!!! Yes!! A driver!! I was that important...for a day. Anyways, he drove me to Danbury, CT and dropped me off at the hotel. Then I forgot to tip him, lol. That night we went to Ishiros, one of those Japanese places where they cook in front of you. As I looked at the menu I see a steak that I want, it was $30!!! So I said, "shit no, thats too much." But then I looked at the rest of the menu and turns out that was one of the cheapest things on it. So I got it. Fuckin nice and FREE. I sat next to Vanjia, the lady who will or will not hire me. So dinner was nice. I met all the other interviewees and they mostly suck. I was great, they sucked. I reviewed my power point presentation that night and then I laid and watched tv until midnight. I laid in bed for 2 hrs!! Not fuckin kidding!! I was super anxious and just wanting to be done. I set my alarm at 7am but woke up at 5:45am!!! Totally not me. I was more anxious than nervous, fuckin hate interviews.
Anyways, so I went to my interview. Arrived fifteen minutes earlier than the thirty minutes early that I was suppose to arrive. So, that was good. They were going to interview a total of ten people and they separated us in three sets which lasted two hours each. First group was I, the earlier one and there were three of us. The interview started with a presentation from them about the job. Then, they kicked off the two other candidates and I stayed there with 15 people from the company, 13 girls and 2 guys. Anyways, I nailed the presentation!!! I mean, I was fuckin good!! Didn't stuttered, didn't say "hhhmm" maybe a few times but not many. What im trying to say is that I fuckin shined in that room. I was making eye contact with all of them and they were enamoured with me... I mean, the girls.... how couldnt they.
After us three were done with the presentations about "How are you the best candidate for the job" the actual interviews started. They were mostly psychological questions where they would ask you, "Have you ever been in a situation where...." and like a million of those questions. I thought I did really well. At the end of the interview I was told that they would let me know by the end of this week or would call me to tell me to wait another week.
That day once in NYC, I called Kurt, who is the one who got me the interview. He called his ex roommate, who was part of the interviews... not a decision maker though. Dan was a bit afraid of telling Kurt information since he knew that Kurt would tell me about their conversation. So this is pretty much what Dan said according to Kurt, "Jesus did very well. Everyone liked him. They eliminated five candidates out of the ten and Jesus is one of the survivors. But it can go either way with him depending on the ten coming next week. We are only hiring 6 out of the 21 being interviewed. "
So I guess that was good news and bad news. I thought they were going to hire at least twelve but theyre only hiring six!! Fuck me!! I am nervous, I do see myself getting the job because I think I am perfect for it. The problem is that there are many people being interviewed with a Masters degree but I believe that they are over qualified and hopefully will decline the job... even though these days everyone is putting their hands in whatever they can get.
So cross your fingers for me or pray for me if you are religious or send me good vibes or whatever works these days.
New York's Messi
Saturday, April 11, 2009

A tribute to the best lyricist of all time!!!!
The best lyricist to ever live
"I haven't had a dream in a long time, see the life that I had could make a good man turn bad so please please please let me get what I want this time, lord knows it would be the first time"- Morrissey/The Smiths
"So we go outside and we gravely read the stones, all those people all those lives where are they now?? and with the love and passions just like mine they were born then they lived and then they died..... seems so unfair, I want to cry"- Morrissey/The Smiths
"I don't dream about anyone except myself"
"And if a double-decker bus
crashes in to us
to die by your side
is such a heavenly way to die
and if a ten ton truck
kills the both of us
to die by your side
well the pleasure, the privilege is mine"
"I can surely rely on you
and yet you start to recoil
heavy words are so lightly thrown
but I'd still leap in front of a flying bullet for you
so what difference does it make?
it makes none, but now you have gone
and you must be looking very old tonight
I stole and I lied, and why? because you asked me to
but now you make me feel so ashamed
because I've only got two hands
well, I'm still fond of you
But no more apologies
no more apologies
I'm too tired, I'm so very tired
and I'm feeling very sick and ill today
but I'm still fond of you"
"Oh the alcoholic afternoons
when we sat in your room
they meant more to me than any
than any living thing on earth
Vivid and in your prime
you will leave me behind"
"I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does"
"There's a club if you'd like to go
you could meet somebody who really loves you
so you go, and you stand on your own
and you leave on your own
and you go home, and you cry
and you want to die"
"When you say it's gonna happen "now"
well, when exactly do you mean?
see I've already waited too long
and all my hope is gone"
"Let me get my hands
on your mammary glands
and let me get your head
on the conjugal bed"
"No it's NOT like any other love
this one's different because it's us!
If they dare touch a hair on your head
I'll fight to the last breath
The good life is out there somewhere
so stay on my arm, you little charmer
But I know my luck too well
yes, I know my luck too well
and I'll probably never see you again"
"ask me why and I'll spit in your eye"
"Does the body rule the mind
or does the mind rule the body?
I dunno..."
"for there are brighter sides to life
and I should know because I've seen them
but not very often"
"Two lovers entwined pass me by
and heaven knows I'm miserable now"
"In my life
why do I give valuable time
to people who don't care if I live or die"
"In my life
why do I smile
at people who I'd much rather kick in the eye"
"she took away your troubles
oh but then again she left pain
so please save your life
because you've only got one"
"I've seen you smile
but I've never really heard you laugh"
"but I don't want a lover
I just want to be seen
in the back of your car"
"Others conquered love - but I ran
I sat in my room and I drew up a plan
but plans can fall through as so often they do
and time is against me now"
"She says:
"He never really looks at me
I give him every opportunity
in the room downstairs
he sat and stared
in the room downstairs
he sat and stared
I'll never make that mistake again!"
Boy afraid
prudence never pays
and everything she wants costs money
"But she doesn't even LIKE me!
and I know because she said so
in the room downstairs
she sat and stared
in the room downstairs
she sat and stared
I'll never make that mistake again!""
"and you never knew
how much I really liked you
because I never even told you
oh, but I meant to"
"I still love you, oh I still love you
...only slightly less than I used to my love"
"Oh, so I drank one
or was it four
and when I fell on the floor...
...I drank more"
"Last night I dreamt
that somebody loved me
no hope - but no harm
just another false alarm
Last night I felt
real arms around me
no hope - no harm
just another false alarm"
"so, tell me how long
before the last one?
and tell me how long
before the right one?"
"I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
becasue you're evil
and you lie
and if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
But I won't cry"
"Ooh, but don't mention love
I'd hate the strain of the pain again"
"and people who are uglier than you and I
they take what they need, and leave"
"I started something
I forced you into a zone
and you were clearly
never meant to go
typical me, typical me typical me
I started something
...and now I'm not too sure"
"Love, peace and harmony?
Oh, very nice
very nice
very nice
very nice
...but maybe in the next world"
"my faith in love is still devout"
"I want the one I can't have
and it's driving me mad
it's written all over my face"
"How come someone hasn't noticed
that I'm dead
and decided to bury me
God knows, I'm ready"
"I smoke 'cos I'm hoping for an
early death
and I need to cling to something!"
"What she said was sad
but then, all the rejections she's had
to pretend to be happy
could only be idiocy"
"when you laugh about people who feel so
very lonely
their only desire is to die"
"I wish I could laugh
but that joke isn't funny anymore
it's too close to home
and it's too near the bone
more than ull ever know"
"I've seen this happen in other people's lives
and now it's happening in mine"
"I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
every sensible child will know what this means
the poor and the needy
are selfish and greedy on her terms"
"Well I wonder
do you hear me when you sleep ?
I hoarsely cry
Well I wonder
do you see me when we pass ?
I half-die
Please keep me in mind"
"and the turkey you festively slice is MURDER
do you know how animals die ?
kitchen aromas aren't very homely
it's not "comforting", "cheery" or "kind"
it's sizzling blood and the unholy stench
who hears when animals cry ?"
"life is very long, when you're lonely"
"and as I climb into an empty bed
oh well, enough said"
"Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
see, the sea wants to take me
the knife wants to slit me
do you think you can help me?"
"although she needs you more than she loves you"
"I know it's over
and it never really began
but in my heart it was so real"
"If you're so funny
then why are you on your own tonight?
and if you're so clever
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very entertaining
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very good looking
why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know because tonight is just like any other night
that's why you're on your own tonight
with your triumphs and your charms
while they are in each other's arms"
"love is natural and real
but not for such as you and I, my love"
"I know I'm alone
I'm alone, I'm alone, I'm alone
And I never, never had no one ever
I never had no one ever"
"Keats and Yeats are on your side
while Wilde is on mine"
"sweetness I was only joking
when I said I'd like to
smash every tooth in your head"
"and when you want to live
how do you start?
where do you go?
who do you know?"
"some girls are bigger than others
some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers"
"Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go"
"But when she calls me I do not walk I run
when she calls I do not walk I crawl..."
"End of the pier, end of the bay
you tug my arm and say: "Give into lust,
give up to lust, oh heaven knows we'll
soon be dust..."
"Learn to love me
Assemble the ways
Now, today, tomorrow and always"
"poor old man
he had an "accident" with a three bar fire
but that's OK
because he wasn't very happy anyway"
"pretty girls make graves"
"Pass the Pub that wrecks your body
and the church - all they want is your money"
"Coyness is nice, but
Coyness can stop you
from saying all the things in
life that you want to"
"A double-bed
and a stalwart lover, for sure
these are the riches of the poor"
"Shyness is nice, but
Shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life
That you'd like to"
"Too freely on your lips
words prematurely said
oh but I know what will make you smile tonight"
"so rattle my bones all over the stones
because I'm only a beggar-man whom nobody owns"
"I need advice, I need advice
because nobody ever looks at me twice"
"No, they cannot hurt you my darling
they cannot touch you now
but me and my 'true love'
will never meet again"
"but I can't believe that you'd ever care
and this is why you'll never care
but these things take time
and I know that I'm
the most inept
that ever stepped"
"you should not go to them
let the come to you
just like i do"
"Hate love and war
Force emotions to the fore
But not for me of course of course
I keep mine hidden"
"And when I'm lying in my bed
I think about life
and I think about death
and neither one particularly appeals to me"
"I know I'm unloveable
You don't have to tell me
Message received
Loud and clear
I don't have much in my life
But take it-it's yours"
"Cause I love you
And is it really so strange?
Is it really so strange?
Is it really so, really so strange?
I say NO, you say YES
(but you will change your mind!)"
"Call me morbid call me pale
I've spent too long on your trail
Far too long
Chasing your tail"
"Sing to me
I don't want to wake up
On my own anymore"
"Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
it says nothing about my life"
"And you think they're sad because you're leaving
But did you see Jealousy in the eyes
Of the ones who had to stay behind ?"
"You left
Your girlfriend on the platform
With this really ragged notion that you'll return
But she knows
That when he goes
He really goes"
"Tried living in the real world
Instead of a shell
But before I began ...
I was bored before I even began "
"There is another world
There is a better world
Well, there must be"
"I wear Black on the outside
'Cause Black is how I feel on the inside "
"And if I seem a little strange
Well, that's because I am"
"But I know that you would like me
If only you could see me
If only you could meet me "
"I like it here - can I stay ?
Do you have a vacancy
For a Back-scrubber?"
"She was left behind, and sour
And she wrote to me, equally dour
She said : "In the days when you were
Hopelessly poor
I just liked you more..." "
"As we lie, you say :
Will the world end in the night time ?
(I really don't know)
Or will the world end in the day time ?
(I really don't know)
And is there any point ever having children ?
Oh, I don't know
All I do know is we're Here and it's Now "
"Today I am remembering the time
When they pulled me back
And held me down
And looked me in the eyes and said
You just haven't earned it yet, baby
You must suffer and cry for a longer time"
"But don't forget the songs
That made you cry
And the songs that saved your life
Yes, you're older now
And you're a clever swine
But they were the only ones who ever stood by you"
"I'm here with the cause
I'm holding the torch
In the corner of your room
Can you hear me ?
And when you're dancing and laughing
And finally living
Hear my voice in your head
And think of me kindly "
"Don't you remember you once knew a girl
You loved her more than the world
Is life always like this, brother ?
Good for one side but bad for another
I must put you behind me tonight
'Cause you belong to the lights "
"I know I need hardly say
How much I love your casual way
Oh, but please put your tongue away
A little higher and we're well away
The dark nights are drawing in
And your humour is as black as them
I look at yours, you laugh at mine
And "love" is just a miserable lie "
"End of the pier, end of the bay
You tug my arm, and say : "Give in to lust,
Give up to lust, oh heaven knows we'll
Soon be dust ... "
Oh, I'm not the man you think I am
I could have been wild and I could have
Been free
But Nature played this trick on me
She wants it Now
And she will not wait
But she's too rough
And I'm too delicate
Then, on the sand
Another man, he takes her hand
A smile lights up her stupid face
(and well, it would)
I lost my faith in Womanhood "
"There'll be blood on the cleaver tonight
And when darknesss lifts and the room is bright
I'll still be by your side
For you are all that matters
And I'll love you to till the day I die "
"Under the iron bridge we kissed
And although I ended up with sore lips
It just wasn't like the old days anymore"
"Too freely on your lips
Words prematurely sad
Oh, but I know what will make you smile tonight
Life is never kind
Oh, but I know what will make you smile tonight"
"Over the moor, take me to the moor
Dig a shallow grave
And I'll lay me down"
"Oh, find me ... find me, nothing more
We are on a sullen misty moor
We may be dead and we may be gone
But we will be, we will be, we will be, right by your side
Until the day you die
This is no easy ride
We will haunt you when you laugh
Yes, you could say we're a team
You might sleep
You might sleep
You might sleep
"I'm not sure what happiness means
But I look in your eyes
And I know
That it isn't there"
"There's ice on the sink where we bathe
So how can you call this a home
When you know it's a grave ?"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Health class
girl: are we learning about sex today??
me: hhhhmmm no
girl: ah, why not?? the other health classes are learning about it
me: well... not here
girl: i wanna know about sex!!
me: alright, what do you wanna know??
girl: how does it feel???
me: oh.... hhhhmmm... no comment
the whole class laughs non stop for 5 minutes.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Two Days In Paris
Anyways, 7/10.
And for you people who will never watch this film and don't care about spoilers here is the final scene:
ok... now you have to watch it.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Kasabian and Arctic Monkeys
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Best Oasis Album of the past 12 years was RELEASED!!! sometime last week
The Dreams We Have As Children
1. its good to be free
2. talk tonight
3. fade away
4. cast no shadow
5. half the world away
6. the importance of being idle
7. the bone collector (jam's cover)
8. all you need is love (the beatles' cover)
9. dont go away
10. listen up
11. sad song
12. wonderwall
13. slide away
14. there is a light that never goes out (the smiths' cover)
15. dont look back in anger
16. married with children
The Dreams We Have As Children (click the link to the left to get the album)
"The Dreams We Have As Children (Live for Teenage Cancer Trust)" features classic and rare tracks from the Oasis canon along with several cover versions of some of Noel’s favourite artists. Songs by The Beatles and The Smiths are featured here along with a very special duet with Paul Weller performing The Jam’s "The Butterfly Collector".
"The album is so good it is inspiring more teenagers to get cancer in hopes of getting Noel Gallagher back on stage."- The Administration reported
The Beginning of My Online Shopping
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
SXSW Top Personal Stories
- Jumping over the fence of a free Auditorium Shores concert. Jules was a little afraid to get caught but she did it anyways when she realized that the show was free and nobody cared if we jumped the fence or not.
The Odyssey:
-Getting everyone from Mohawk, 9th and Red River, to the Auditorium Shores. It was a huge group of us: burns, briana, british david, canadian steph, elizabeth, heather, bobby, balto, baltos emma, grace, vanessaless bob,juls, angelica, cesar??, minda, me and probably others. The journey was long and cassualties were lost on the way (slow fuckers getting lost in the crowd through 6th street), others were injured and almost left unconscious on the ground (british davids head bouncing on the ground after falling on the congress bridge). We made a quick stop at the Pure Volume island where beautiful drunk women threw themselves at us and emo kids played their tunes. Alcohol was thrown into our mouths and many distractions arouse as we tried to make it in time to Cold War Kids. None of this stopped us. After losing many cassualties who made it later through the middle of the concert, Juls and I arrived with the Carls brothers and the Yingling sisters to finally start the partay. Oh and exactly when Cold War Kids was playing Mexican Dogs.
Best Moment with Friends:
Those 5 minutes when Peter Bjorn and John played Young Folks as the real Young Folks sang to the sweet sounds. People were drunk, tears dripping, sweat flying, alcohol expelled from our bodies, spit jumping out of our mouths as we sang, and best of all.... there is a video to back this up.
Best Party with Friends:
- Those two hours at Mohawk on that thursday afternoon when pretty much EVERYONE was there. Glasvegas began playing Geraldine and fine beers were being passed out to us. Most people were having dos xx but as we all know, i dont like that so i had a bohemia. We were taking lots of pictures, including the Rhapsody professional pictures that are online. We were all full of energy since it was the first afternoon that most of us were there since many of us had to work on wednesday.
Best Concert:
Primal Scream on Friday night at La Zona Rosa. WOW!!!! ill post videos later. what a concert!!! I was dead tired and i came back to life that night.
Biggest Disappointment:
Peter Bjorn and John on Wednesday night when they played before Glasvegas. They took like 2 hours to only play like 8 songs. It was fuckin awful!!
Biggest surprise:
Kanye West playing Saturday night. OK. It wasnt much of a surprise to most of us but it was suppose to be one. You know when people have surprise parties for you and you know there will be but you still act surprised to not make anybody else feel bad?? Thats kind of how it was. I really dont like that music so much even if the G.O.O.D. Music label was playing. In the end, it was a fun experience and it really wasnt as bad as the 10 rap bands playing before them.
Best Day:
Friday---- Getting lost with Camille for three hours while most of my friends were mad at me. To then meet ALL my Young Folks as Ptr Bjorn and John played Young Folks. To end the night at the VIP table at Pangea sharing drinks with a New Zealand band as we salivated over Blur Graham Coxon's acoustic set. And to later walk to La Zona Rosa to see Glasvegas #3 and Primal Scream. What a night. Did I mention how drunk i was for the last eight hours??? lol. Oh yea, and then i met bobby and ricky who were semi passed out at Wendys. LOL.
Communication Breakdown:
Everyday after 6pm I didnt have a phone. It kept running out of battery since I was checking basketball scores and texting about 30 people every hour. It was actually quite nice not having to text everyone. Whoever I was with after 6pm thats who I would stick with til the end of the day. It was normally a huge group of friends until that time arrived when bobby and i had to go into the wristband shows.
Best food:
lol. i didnt eat any food. Wendys??
Money spent:
$16.89 throughout all four days. Most money was spent on tipping until i ran out of dollars. Ah well... $129 for the wristband but that was paid a month ago.
Biggest regret:
Not seeing Longview and The Sonics. Missing Metallica wasn't as much of a regret since 1. i dont like metal rock. 2. i saw graham coxon and primal scream instead. 3. i didnt wait in line for over 4 hrs.
Biggest loss:
UT to Duke. Imagine if Texas would had won their game!!! It would had been an even better weekend.
Strategic move of the festival:
1. drink beer at fader/levis
2. eat at wendys
3. run to white lies
4. run to levis/fader to see kanye
5. run to see daniel johnston
Biggest decision:
Should I see White Lies/Kanye West or Zooey Deschanel at her premiere of 500 Days of Summer. ok. i went for the music.
Angriest people at me during the festival:
1. Briana. Where were you?? With a girl?? WTF!!!... LOL... love you briana
2. Jeremy. You are such an asshole man!!! Why did you give out my Third Eye Blind tickets?? I had friends who wanted to go!!!... OOPS....sorry jeremy!!! i also love you man
Best party:
Levis/Fader. Did you see all that alcohol??? Its FREE!! nice. The free photo boots and tshirts were cool too. And the bands spectacular.
Most Awkward concert:
Daniel Johnston. Such a legend but man i wanted to laugh. That guy is totally FUCKED UP!! His left jerking off hand was a bit distracting. His singing was atrocious. But his music was fuckin beautiful. How can that be!?!?!? Only Daniel Johnston.
Love this review of Glasvegas from Pitchfork:
I am a total sucker for Glasvegas. I buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker. Yes, I know they are hopelessly corny, slick and calculated, overly sincere, whiny emo, etc. Whatevs, talk to the hand. I love the way the Scottish band takes everything about the Jesus and Mary Chain-- the roaring-feedback-meets-Phil Spector sound, the all-black wardrobe, the strobe lights and fog machines-- and makes it fearlessly uncool. James Allen's bleeding-heart lyrics about daddy issues and broken romantic relationships (and social workers!), sung in a shooting-for-the-hilltops stadium-rock voice, transforms an aesthetic known for its calculated, stoic distance into something a goth teenager can cry about in his/her bedroom. And personally, I am all about anything that a goth teenager can cry about in his/her bedroom.
At La Zona Rosa, Glasvegas did not disappoint. They played mostly in the dark, illuminated by, yes, strobe lights. Everybody wore black-- Allen in a John Lennon cutoff tee-- and bassist Paul Donoghue struck plenty of tortured rock star poses while the whole band stomped around the stage like they had already conquered the world. Except for drummer Caroline McKay, that is, who stood firmly in place, tapping her minimal drum kit with comically deliberate, robot-like strokes.
Since this was the Scottish Arts Council showcase, and Glasvegas were playing in between the Proclaimers (who still draw quite a crowd, it seems) and Primal Scream, the place was full of drunk, happy Scottish people singing along to the massive choruses of "Geraldine" and "Daddy's Gone" with their arms around each other. So uncool it was cool.
Sorry to everyone i didnt get to see. I tried my best. Blame it on the iphone.
The hook up:
OMG did you just see that??? Where the fuck did that come from?!?! Bobby and I as Ricky was making out with Lindsey, Camille's roommate.
And should I mention Bobby and the tattoo girl?? Ah shit... im not supposed to say a thing. lol
SEE YOU NEXT YEAR SXSW 2010??? please say YES!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Whoever Smelt It Dealt It
What an awkward first ten minutes of work.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
ultra8201: SXSW 2009: IFC Crossroads Pre-SXSW Party (3/17) :: FREE
British Music Biz (Multiple Days and RSVP here )
City On Fire, Beauty Bar, Fanatic Promotion, and Toyota Matrix present Art Disaster no. 8 free with RSVP]
7th Annual Florida Fandango [RSVP here]
Beauty Bar (RSVP
IAMSOUND & 'Sup Magazine Party (RSVP- email to:
My Old Kentucky Blog and Aquarium Drunkard present Vaya Con Tacos [free with RSVP]
Filter Party: (
AP Presents Kick Up Your Spurs (RSVP at:
RSVP here with password "shamrockyou" (oy).
Pure Volume 2nd and trinity RSVP here. (RSVP here)
KOL headlining ACL 2009???!!!
its like hhhhmmm who can we get?? oh yea, KOL... theyre cheap and easy to get and the crowd will be please cause they dont know better.
and they dont take into consideration that ive seen them 10 times!! fuck them
this is why this festival is not growing and has become a 2nd tier festival. look at lolapalooza and coachella. great lineups!!! the organizers are trying hard. they get the likes of radiohead and we get foo fighters. they get rage against the machine and we get ben harper. now coachella is getting morrissey and he is not even a headliner. fuckin Paul McCartney is headlining. and who do we get?? KOL!!!! I mean are we that behind???? if it wasnt for ACL 2005 i would be hopeless but i know ACL can do better.
i guess i should just be happy to have two HUGE festivals a year in my hometown. not many people get that. greedy me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Those Swollen Hand Blues
The Beatles anybody??? LOL
I love you NOEL!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
February 2009: Ego Tripping At The Gates Of Hell
So for the past thirteen months I have been making a playlist for every month of the year. I used to burn them and listen to them in my car but that whole ritual was thrown out the window the second some douche decided to steal my car's stereo. These playlists are made up from the songs/bands Ive been listening throughout the month. So theyre usually new songs or discoveries. I get about thirty albums per month and I just put them on my itunes and now and then one comes up and catches my ear and I will add the song to the playlist. I do have a rule though, no more than two songs per band per playlist. Anyways, I also like naming them because I like naming shit. The name is normally taken out from a lyric or a title from one of the songs. Ive also ordered them in a way that I think the album will flow smoothly and delicately.
This time was a bit difficult because my itunes playlist got erase cause of a virus so I had to remember the whole thing but I only remembered about 80%. Here it is anyways.
By the way, the songs turned out to be very emo and they're mostly about unrequited love so there yuh go, if youre a psychologist go and figure. Don't ask me why but that's just how it is. This time I will highlight in yellow the bands playing at SXSW.
- Morrissey- Something Is Squeezing My Skull
- The Cribs- Men's Needs
- Cut Off Your Hands- Turn Cold
- We Are Scientists- Chik Lit
- The Wedding Present- I Lost The Monkey
- Bright Eyes- I Will Be Grateful For This Day
- Beck- Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
- The Style Council- Have You Ever Had It Blue?
- The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart- Contender
- Guess Who- Laughing
- Nickel Eye- Brandy of the Damned
- Ocean Colour Scene- July
- The Warlocks- Baby Blue
- Guster- One Man Wrecking Machine
- The Laughing- Canopy
- The Smiths- Girl Afraid
- Stereophonics- Steph On My Old Size Nines
- Steve Cradock- On and On
- White Lies- Unfinished Business
- Four Tops- I Can't Help Myself
- Flaming Lips- Ego At The Gates of Hell
---go to sign in:
password: arreola
Then go to select a podlist and chose February 09: Ego Tripping At The Gates Of Hell
***david, you should listen to this at work if they let you.***
Dr. Emo
Friday, February 27, 2009
My SXSW Notes
Important websites/ links:
Austin Showlist
SXSW Music is sponsoring some official day parties
SXSW, Baby! - Austin
Official SXSW Music shows: You will need a badge or wristband for these shows. If you do not have one, at certain venues you will be able to buy an entrance fee of $20-35.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
[X] 11:11AM Glasvegas (Vice)
[X] 09:00PM M Ward (Central Presbyterian Church)
[X] 11:00PM Voxtrot (Volume)
[X] 11:30PM Dananananaykroyd (Dirty Dog Bar) (After midnight, Thursday morning)
[X] 12:00AM Aqualung (Latitude 30)
[X] 12:00AM Eli Paperboy Reed & the True Loves (Continental Club)
[X] 12:30AM Echo and The Bunnymen (Emo's Main Room)
[X] 12:30AM Mark Olson & Gary Louris (Victorian Room at The Driskill)
Thursday, 19 March 2009
[X] 07:00PM Cold War Kids (Auditorium Shores Stage (Lady Bird Lake))
[X] 08:00PM Katy Perry (Stubb's)
[X] 08:15PM M Ward (Auditorium Shores Stage (Lady Bird Lake))
[X] 09:30PM Sam Roberts Band (Cedar Street Courtyard)
[X] 10:00PM Hatcham Social (Latitude 30)
[X] 10:00PM Aqualung (Elysium)
[X] 10:00PM Gomez (Stubb's)
[X] 10:00PM The Thermals (Red Eyed Fly)
[X] 11:00PM Andrew Bird (Stubb's)
[X] 11:00PM These Are Powers (Mohawk)
[X] 11:30PM Black Lips (Cedar Street Courtyard) (After midnight, Friday morning)
[X] 12:30AM Primal Scream (Cedar Street Courtyard)
[X] 01:00AM Bearsuit (Rusty Spurs)
[X] 01:00AM Peter Bjorn and John (Emo's Main Room)
[X] 01:15AM Gomez (The Parish)
Friday, 20 March 2009
[X] 11:11AM Black Lips (Emo's Main Room)
[X] 08:00PM Motel Motel (Maggie Mae's)
[X] 08:30PM Dananananaykroyd (La Zona Rosa)
[X] 09:30PM These Are Powers (Club de Ville)
[X] 10:45PM Peter Bjorn and John (Cedar Street Courtyard)
[X] 11:00PM The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (Emo's Jr)
[X] 11:30PM Glasvegas (La Zona Rosa) (After midnight, Saturday morning)
[X] 12:00AM The Black Hollies (The Independent)
[X] 12:00AM The Hold Steady (Mohawk Patio)
[X] 12:00AM Mark Olson & Gary Louris (Momo's)
[X] 12:10AM The Shys (Red Eyed Fly)
[X] 12:30AM New York Dolls (Smokin' Music)
[X] 12:45AM Primal Scream (La Zona Rosa)
[X] 01:00AM Sam Roberts Band (El Sol y La Luna)
Saturday, 21 March 2009
[X] 11:11AM The Whip (La Zona Rosa)
[X] 11:11AM Daniel Johnston (Emo's Main Room)
[X] 11:11AM The Octopus Project (Emo's Main Room)
[X] 07:40PM White Lies (Stubb's)
[X] 08:00PM Explosions in the Sky (Auditorium Shores Stage (Lady Bird Lake))
[X] 08:40PM Razorlight (Stubb's)
[X] 09:00PM The Little Ones (Maggie Mae's)
[X] 09:00PM The Warlocks (Club de Ville)
[X] 10:00PM The Laughing (The Music Gym Patio)
[X] 11:00PM The Proclaimers (Creekside at Hilton Garden Inn) (After midnight, Sunday morning)
[X] 12:00AM Echo and The Bunnymen (Rusty Spurs)
[X] 12:00AM The Shys (Prague)
[X] 12:30AM Third Eye Blind (Stubb's)
THE UNOFFICIAL SXSW SHOWCASES: This is what makes SXSW the best experience of the year.
*I can't emphasize how much you guys need to check Austin Showlist . It pretty much has EVERYTHING im posting.
IFC Crossroads Pre- SXSW Party (must get tickets at Waterloo Records)
-When:Tuesday March 17th
-Where: Pangea
-Who: The Decemberists and Gomez
-That's crazy: OPEN BAR
-Instructions: In order to get in you must pick up your free tickets on Monday, March 16th at Waterloo Records at 10am.
-ultra8201: SXSW 2009: IFC Crossroads Pre-SXSW Party (3/17) :: FREE
British Music Biz (Multiple Days and RSVP here )
Tuesday 17th March 2009From 8pm
British Inter-Music Party
The British Music Embassy @ Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto
The Proclaimers, Alice Russell, The Post War Years, The Webb Sisters(open to both SxSW Interactive and SxSW Music badge holders)
City On Fire, Beauty Bar, Fanatic Promotion, and Toyota Matrix present Art Disaster no. 8
with Y-Love, Eprhyme and Diwon (1am), Belaire (midnight), Scorpion Child (11pm), The Soldier Thread (10pm), Pomegranates (9pm), The Laughing (8pm), Evol DJs (between sets) at the Beauty Bar [+] [outside stage, free with RSVP]
British Music Biz (Multiple Days and RSVP here )
Wednesday 3/18 12.30 - 3.30pm
The Belfast Nashville Songwriters Party
The British Music Embassy @ Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto
Lost Brothers, Ben Glover, Bap Kennedy, Eilidh Patterson, Ken Haddock, Anthony Toner plus Nashville artists
+ some fine food and drink for party guests. and present Stimulus Package (Open to public)
Who: Danny Malone, Ferraby Lionheart, The Henry Clay People, Elliot Brood, Tom Schraeder & His Ego, Joe Pug, Justin Townes Earle, Motel Motel, Gringo Star, Tigercity, Morning Benders, Harlem Shakes, Red Cortez, BLK JKS, Tallest Man on Earth
Where: at Paradise (401 E. 6th St.) [11am-2am, open to the public, free beer]
What: Free booze
When: Wednesday
Flatbed Press (No RSVP)
Where: 2832 East M.L.King Dr.
When: Wednesday March 18th
Who: I dont know
What: Free PIZZA!! Free Drinks!!!
Little Radio (Don't know about RSVP)
Where: Red Eyed Fly
Who: God Knows
What: Free bloody Mary's!!! Free Beer!!
When: Wednesday the 18th
Real Ale and Lovejoys present (No RSVP)Where: at Lovejoys
When: Wednesday at noon
What: Free Booze
7th Annual Florida Fandango [RSVP here]
Where: Yard Dog Gallery (1510 S. Congress Ave.)
What: Free Florida Alligator Chili, Black Beans & Yellow Rice, Cuban Bread, Cuban Coffee, lots & lots of cold beer — and some hand-rolled Ybor City cigars (with RSVP, first come, first grab). Free raffle drawing for framed original art print of “Tales of Lust & Longing” CD cover and CDs by performers too.
Who: there are bands playing?? i think so
When: Wednesday
Terrorbird/Force Field Day Party (No RSVP)
Who: Vivian Girls, Beach House, The Thermals, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Themselves, Yoni Wolf (of Why?), Max Tundra, Wavves, Loney Dear, Shout Out Out Out, Fol Chen, Lake, Rainbow Arabia, DMG$, Larytta
Where: Red 7 [noon-6pm, free, all ages, no rsvp]
When: Wednesday
Beauty Bar (RSVP
Paste Magazine Party!!
Pure Volume
Asahi Beer, no cover w/ RSVP / 3pm-4am
RSVP here.
Fader/ Levi's Party (RSVP here)
1101 5th Street between San Marcos and Waller
British Music Biz (Multiple Days and RSVP here )
Thursday 3/192.00 - 5.00pm
New Music From Northern Ireland
The British Music Embassy @ Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto
Fighting With Wire, In Case Of Fire, The Beat Poets, General Fiasco, Skibunny
+ some fine food and drink for party guests.
Rhapsody Rocks Austin 2009 (RSVP)
-Who: …Trail of Dead, Glasvegas, School of Seven Bells, The Vivian Girls. Inter-set jammers provided by DJ $mall ¢hange. Additional surprises TBD.
-Where: @ The Mohawk, 912 Red River
-When: Noon. Thursday. March 19th.
Gorilla Vs Booze III (No RSVP)
Where: The Peacock- 515 Pedernales St
When: March 19th Thursday
Who: Vivian Girls, White Denim, Wavves, etc...
Birds Barbershop presents Space Camp (no RSVP)
Nasa (5pm), Cut Off Your Hands (4pm), King Khan and the Shrines (3pm), Busdriver (2pm) at Bird's Barbershop East (1107 E. 6th St.) [outside]
Say Hi (6pm), Magnificent 7 (4pm), Amplive (3pm), Jason Hammel (Mates of State, 2pm), special guest (1pm), Prince Klassen at Bird's Barbershop East (1107 E. 6th St.) [DJ sets, inside]
Little Radio presents (no RSVP)
bands TBA at the Red Eyed Fly [free, free bloody marys and beer]
Brooklyn Vegan party (no RSVP)
Cursive, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, The Avett Brothers, Daniel Johnston at Radio Room (508 E. 6th St.)
Starcleaner Big Texas Party 2 (no RSVP)
Vivian Girls, more TBA at the Typewriter Museum (1306 E. 6th St.) [noon-10pm, free, all ages]
The Medieval Reslayathon(no RSVP)
Microfiche (8:45pm), The Roller (8:05pm), Fiasco (7:25pm), Over the Hill (6:35pm), Coathangers (5:55pm), Diagonals (5:15pm), Wildildlife (4:30pm), Pillow Queens(3:40pm), Eat Skull (2:50pm), Crime Novels (2:20pm), The Mae Shi (1:40pm), Rat Bastard & Doug Ferguson (members of To Live and Shave in LA, 1pm) at 610 Vermont Rd. [free, free beer]
Found Magazine and Quackmedia (no RSVP)
Present The Hold Steady, Lucero, No Age, The Hard Lessons, The Tallest Man on Earth, Great Lakes Myth Society, Javelins, Human Highway, Adam Stephens (from Two Gallants) at Red 7 [noon-6pm, free, all ages, RSVP]
IAMSOUND & 'Sup Magazine Party (RSVP- email to:
Where: Malverde at 2nd and Guadalupe
Who: Little Boots, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Telepathe, Suckers, Micachu and the Shapes, etc.
What else: free booze!!!
My Old Kentucky Blog and Aquarium Drunkard present Vaya Con Tacos [free with RSVP]
The Rosebuds (7:30pm), Eli Paperboy Reed and The True Loves (7pm), J. Tillman (6:30pm), Le Switch (6pm), The Grates (5:30pm), Henry Clay People (5pm), Megafaun (4:30pm), Dark Meat (4pm), Those Darlins (3:30pm), Port O'Brien (3pm), Reverend Payton's Big Damn Band (2:30pm), Roadside Graves (2pm), NewVillager (1:30pm), The Bones Royal (1pm) at Peckerheads (402 E. 6th St.)
What else: We’ve got free Red Stripe, Sailor Jerry’s Rum, Sweet Leaf Tea (all while it lasts), Ancient Cellars Wine and a free Southern Comfort Happy Hour. We’ll also have free goodies from Gelaskins and, of course, free breakfast tacos from Taco Cabana (while they last).
Filter Party: (
at Cedar Street starting at 12:15- 6pm
what: bbq from noon to 1pm
whos playing?? :00pm Idle Warship4:00pm Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears3:15pm Annuals2:30pm Great Northern1:45pm Other Lives1:00pm Hockey12:15pm Zee Avi
Auditorium Shores (no RSVP)
5:00 pm Gates open
6:00 pm Elvis Perkins In Dearland
7:00 pm Cold War Kids
8:15 pm M Ward
Beauty Bar (RSVP
Paste Magazine Party!!
8pm-2am902 East Cesar Chavez St., at I-35 East
Fader/ Levi's Party (RSVP here)
1101 5th Street between San Marcos and Waller
British Music Biz (Multiple Days and RSVP here )
Friday 3/201.30 - 5.30pm
Showcasing Scotland
The British Music Embassy @ Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto
Come On Gang, Found, My Latest Novel, The Pictish Trail, Twin Atlantic
+ TexMex finger food and drinks for party guests.
4th Annual Pitchfork/ Windish Austin Bash (No RSVP)
-When: Friday March 20th
Where: Emo's/ Emo's Jr.
Who: 2:00 pm - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (Emo's Jr.) and more...
-4th Annual Pitchfork/Windish Austin Bash
Little Radio presents
bands TBA at the Red Eyed Fly [free, free bloody marys and beer]
The A.V. Club & Canvas Present (No RSVP)
Where:Radio Room - located at 507 E. 6th Street
When: Friday March 20th
Outside Stage: Cuff The Duke 12pm The Thermals 1pm Gentleman Reg 2pm Cut Off Your Hands 3pm Ra Ra Riot 4pm ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 5pm
Inside Stage: Ohbijou 12pm Chikita Violenta 1pm Young Galaxy 2pm Dappled Cities 3pm Parenthetical Girls 4pm Future Of The Left 5pm
Fader presents (no RSVP)
Peter Bjorn and John (6:30pm), Tinted Windows (5:30pm), Micachu (5pm), Women (4pm), We Have Band (3:30pm), Pains of Being Pure at Heart (2:30pm), Hatcham Social (2pm), Coupleskate (1pm), The Love Language (12:30pm), Kidz in the Hall (noon) [location TBA]
Spin Magazine presents (no RSVP)
Echo & the Bunnymen, Hot Leg (Justin Hawkins from Darkness), Black Lips, Glasvegas, Passion Pit, Cut Off Your Hands, DJ sets by NASA and Crystal Method at Stubb's [invite-only]
Filter Party (
at Cedar Street from noon to 6 pm
what else?? free bbq from noon to 1 pm
who's playing: 5:00pm White Lies4:00pm Razorlight 3:15pm Late of the Pier2:30pm The Whip1:45pm Wild Light1:00pm Anya Marinanoon Bat For Lashes (listening event)
Beauty Bar (RSVP
8pm-2am902 East Cesar Chavez St., at I-35 East TOTALLY BADICAL!
Club Primos 1700 E. 6th Str.
PLUS!!! THIS IS 18+ ya'll!!!!!!!!!!
the beer is super free....Sam Adams and Pabst till it runs out!!!
1101 5th Street between San Marcos and Waller
Rachel Ray Party (no RSVP, Entrance is based on a first come, first serve basis. Once the venue reaches capacity, management will institute a “one out, one in” admission process.)
-Who: Rachel Ray live!!!, The Hold Steady, New York Dolls, The Thermals...nuff said
-When: Saturday, March 21st- noon to 5pm
-Where: Maggie Mae's
-her site
British Music Biz (Multiple Days and RSVP here )
Saturday 3/21 11.30 - 2.30pm
Yorkshire Launch Party
The British Music Embassy @ Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto
Wild Beasts, Sky Larkin, Rolo Tomassi, Paul Marshall, Talk To Angels
+ some fine Yorkshire themed food and drink for party guests.
Saturday 3/213.00 - 6.00pm
Liverpool Sound City / The Best Of The Northwest
The British Music Embassy @ Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto
The Hot Melts, Wave Machines, The Whip + Liverpudlian
themed food and drink for party guests.
Tee Pee Records presents (no RSVP)
Annihilation Time (6:15pm), Year Long Disaster (5:20pm), The Warlocks (4:30pm), Night Horse (3:40pm), Tweak Bird (2:50pm), Black Math Horseman (2pm) at Club 1808 [free]
AP Presents Kick Up Your Spurs (RSVP at:
Who: Anberlin, The Used
What: free alcohol
Where: Emos; noon to 6pm
??: I personally dislike these bands but if my friends want to go ill join them anywhereif there is free alcohol
Filter Party (RVP:
at Cedar Street from noon to 6 pm
what: bbq from noon to 1 pm
whos playing?? 5:00pm Rye Rye4:00pm N.A.S.A.3:15pm Flosstradamus2:30pm Asobi Seksu1:45pm Obits1:00pm Chairlift12:15pm Black Gold
Beauty Bar (RSVP
2307 Manor Rd.
Fader/ Levi's Party (RSVP here)
1101 5th Street between San Marcos and Waller
Everything on Austin Showlist!!!! Check it OOT!!
The Two Bobs
-I worked on this film.
-March 13th at Austin Convention Center at 6:45 pm
New World Order
- The fact that I have been very interested in this subject, the plan to take over the world, and everything that comes with it like Illuminati and the Freemasons fraternity makes me really want to see this documentary. Will probably check it out someday.
-7:00 PM, Friday March 13th - Alamo Ritz 1
-11:30 AM, Tuesday March 17th - Austin Convention Ctr
I Love You Man
-Paul Rudd will be present
-March 13th at Paramount at 7:30 pm
-Jesse Eisenberg (the older brother from the squid and the whale), Kristen Stewart (GORGEOUS!!!), Ryan Reynolds (stole Scarlett Johannson from MEEEEEE!!!!)
-7:00 PM, Sunday March 15th - Alamo Lamar 1
Women In Trouble
-Carla Gugino, Josh Brolin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt
-10:00 PM, Sunday March 15th - Paramount
Observe and Report
- Seth Rogen and Anna Faris will likely be present.
-March 16th at Paramount at 9:30 pm
500 Days of Summer
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel. I read on the newspaper that Sexy Zooey will be there.
-7:30 PM, Saturday March 21st - Paramount
Special thanks to the beautiful and grandioso David Burns.