So I'll be gone for the next three months and I really just feel like buzzing my head. I've always wanted to do it and its summertime and if it looks bad who cares?? Nobody will see. So before I do that I want to have a crazy ugly/cool or whatever haircut for the weekend. So I was thinking: Mullet or Mohawk??? or a little of both!?!?!
So here in USA/Texas mullets are seen as a hick or red neck thing but in Europe, specially Spain its the ultimate style. And well.... I am both so.... its ok I guess. Fuck it, ill just do a Fernando.

The problem is that I will never be as good looking as Fernando and I don't know how good of a stylist Julianna is.
so what is it???
mullet mullet mullet
ReplyDeleteDefinitely do the Fernando!!!! I want to see your hair look EXACTLY like that picture!