Guttsiest Move:
- Jumping over the fence of a free Auditorium Shores concert. Jules was a little afraid to get caught but she did it anyways when she realized that the show was free and nobody cared if we jumped the fence or not.
The Odyssey:
-Getting everyone from Mohawk, 9th and Red River, to the Auditorium Shores. It was a huge group of us: burns, briana, british david, canadian steph, elizabeth, heather, bobby, balto, baltos emma, grace, vanessaless bob,juls, angelica, cesar??, minda, me and probably others. The journey was long and cassualties were lost on the way (slow fuckers getting lost in the crowd through 6th street), others were injured and almost left unconscious on the ground (british davids head bouncing on the ground after falling on the congress bridge). We made a quick stop at the Pure Volume island where beautiful drunk women threw themselves at us and emo kids played their tunes. Alcohol was thrown into our mouths and many distractions arouse as we tried to make it in time to Cold War Kids. None of this stopped us. After losing many cassualties who made it later through the middle of the concert, Juls and I arrived with the Carls brothers and the Yingling sisters to finally start the partay. Oh and exactly when Cold War Kids was playing Mexican Dogs.
Best Moment with Friends:
Those 5 minutes when Peter Bjorn and John played Young Folks as the real Young Folks sang to the sweet sounds. People were drunk, tears dripping, sweat flying, alcohol expelled from our bodies, spit jumping out of our mouths as we sang, and best of all.... there is a video to back this up.
Best Party with Friends:
- Those two hours at Mohawk on that thursday afternoon when pretty much EVERYONE was there. Glasvegas began playing Geraldine and fine beers were being passed out to us. Most people were having dos xx but as we all know, i dont like that so i had a bohemia. We were taking lots of pictures, including the Rhapsody professional pictures that are online. We were all full of energy since it was the first afternoon that most of us were there since many of us had to work on wednesday.
Best Concert:
Primal Scream on Friday night at La Zona Rosa. WOW!!!! ill post videos later. what a concert!!! I was dead tired and i came back to life that night.
Biggest Disappointment:
Peter Bjorn and John on Wednesday night when they played before Glasvegas. They took like 2 hours to only play like 8 songs. It was fuckin awful!!
Biggest surprise:
Kanye West playing Saturday night. OK. It wasnt much of a surprise to most of us but it was suppose to be one. You know when people have surprise parties for you and you know there will be but you still act surprised to not make anybody else feel bad?? Thats kind of how it was. I really dont like that music so much even if the G.O.O.D. Music label was playing. In the end, it was a fun experience and it really wasnt as bad as the 10 rap bands playing before them.
Best Day:
Friday---- Getting lost with Camille for three hours while most of my friends were mad at me. To then meet ALL my Young Folks as Ptr Bjorn and John played Young Folks. To end the night at the VIP table at Pangea sharing drinks with a New Zealand band as we salivated over Blur Graham Coxon's acoustic set. And to later walk to La Zona Rosa to see Glasvegas #3 and Primal Scream. What a night. Did I mention how drunk i was for the last eight hours??? lol. Oh yea, and then i met bobby and ricky who were semi passed out at Wendys. LOL.
Communication Breakdown:
Everyday after 6pm I didnt have a phone. It kept running out of battery since I was checking basketball scores and texting about 30 people every hour. It was actually quite nice not having to text everyone. Whoever I was with after 6pm thats who I would stick with til the end of the day. It was normally a huge group of friends until that time arrived when bobby and i had to go into the wristband shows.
Best food:
lol. i didnt eat any food. Wendys??
Money spent:
$16.89 throughout all four days. Most money was spent on tipping until i ran out of dollars. Ah well... $129 for the wristband but that was paid a month ago.
Biggest regret:
Not seeing Longview and The Sonics. Missing Metallica wasn't as much of a regret since 1. i dont like metal rock. 2. i saw graham coxon and primal scream instead. 3. i didnt wait in line for over 4 hrs.
Biggest loss:
UT to Duke. Imagine if Texas would had won their game!!! It would had been an even better weekend.
Strategic move of the festival:
1. drink beer at fader/levis
2. eat at wendys
3. run to white lies
4. run to levis/fader to see kanye
5. run to see daniel johnston
Biggest decision:
Should I see White Lies/Kanye West or Zooey Deschanel at her premiere of 500 Days of Summer. ok. i went for the music.
Angriest people at me during the festival:
1. Briana. Where were you?? With a girl?? WTF!!!... LOL... love you briana
2. Jeremy. You are such an asshole man!!! Why did you give out my Third Eye Blind tickets?? I had friends who wanted to go!!!... OOPS....sorry jeremy!!! i also love you man
Best party:
Levis/Fader. Did you see all that alcohol??? Its FREE!! nice. The free photo boots and tshirts were cool too. And the bands spectacular.
Most Awkward concert:
Daniel Johnston. Such a legend but man i wanted to laugh. That guy is totally FUCKED UP!! His left jerking off hand was a bit distracting. His singing was atrocious. But his music was fuckin beautiful. How can that be!?!?!? Only Daniel Johnston.
Love this review of Glasvegas from Pitchfork:
I am a total sucker for Glasvegas. I buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker. Yes, I know they are hopelessly corny, slick and calculated, overly sincere, whiny emo, etc. Whatevs, talk to the hand. I love the way the Scottish band takes everything about the Jesus and Mary Chain-- the roaring-feedback-meets-Phil Spector sound, the all-black wardrobe, the strobe lights and fog machines-- and makes it fearlessly uncool. James Allen's bleeding-heart lyrics about daddy issues and broken romantic relationships (and social workers!), sung in a shooting-for-the-hilltops stadium-rock voice, transforms an aesthetic known for its calculated, stoic distance into something a goth teenager can cry about in his/her bedroom. And personally, I am all about anything that a goth teenager can cry about in his/her bedroom.
At La Zona Rosa, Glasvegas did not disappoint. They played mostly in the dark, illuminated by, yes, strobe lights. Everybody wore black-- Allen in a John Lennon cutoff tee-- and bassist Paul Donoghue struck plenty of tortured rock star poses while the whole band stomped around the stage like they had already conquered the world. Except for drummer Caroline McKay, that is, who stood firmly in place, tapping her minimal drum kit with comically deliberate, robot-like strokes.
Since this was the Scottish Arts Council showcase, and Glasvegas were playing in between the Proclaimers (who still draw quite a crowd, it seems) and Primal Scream, the place was full of drunk, happy Scottish people singing along to the massive choruses of "Geraldine" and "Daddy's Gone" with their arms around each other. So uncool it was cool.
Sorry to everyone i didnt get to see. I tried my best. Blame it on the iphone.
The hook up:
OMG did you just see that??? Where the fuck did that come from?!?! Bobby and I as Ricky was making out with Lindsey, Camille's roommate.
And should I mention Bobby and the tattoo girl?? Ah shit... im not supposed to say a thing. lol
SEE YOU NEXT YEAR SXSW 2010??? please say YES!!
Blast From The Past: Liam Gallagher
15 hours ago
Great fuckin SXSW for sure! The Peter Bjorn and John moment cannot be topped!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe we all (somewhat) managed to stay together/meet up at all those different places!
Oh, and you forgot to add a category for sneakiest/craziest concertgoer:
ReplyDeleteDon. He used someone elses name AND +1 to get into Fader Fort on Friday, then created PAPER WRISTBANDS to get 2 extra people in on Saturday!