As much as i love this band im SOOOOO pissed about it. really?? the organizers are so fuckin lazy they get bands that are easy to get. fuckin conformists!!! it would had been OK if they would had taken the slot before the headliner but theyre headlining.
its like hhhhmmm who can we get?? oh yea, KOL... theyre cheap and easy to get and the crowd will be please cause they dont know better.
and they dont take into consideration that ive seen them 10 times!! fuck them
this is why this festival is not growing and has become a 2nd tier festival. look at lolapalooza and coachella. great lineups!!! the organizers are trying hard. they get the likes of radiohead and we get foo fighters. they get rage against the machine and we get ben harper. now coachella is getting morrissey and he is not even a headliner. fuckin Paul McCartney is headlining. and who do we get?? KOL!!!! I mean are we that behind???? if it wasnt for ACL 2005 i would be hopeless but i know ACL can do better.
i guess i should just be happy to have two HUGE festivals a year in my hometown. not many people get that. greedy me.
Blast From The Past: Liam Gallagher
15 hours ago
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