Really??? Way overused my friends. Way too fucking overused. People bombard me with this word throughout the day. It really bothers me soooo much.
I mean, Im walking down the hall and this gorgeous girl rubs her breasts on my back and she says, "Im sorry." Really, do you think it bothers me?? You should be telling me, "You're welcome." Not Im Sorry. Really!!
Or the other day I was sitting by a round table with friends and one of my female friends touched the tip of my foot with her foot and what does she say, "Oh, sorry!!" Really?? Who do you think you are Samson?? It DIDNT hurt!! I promise. Why dont you just yell, "Awkward!!" or "I promise I wasnt trying to hit on you, it was a total accident." I know youre trying to save yourself a whole explanation about why tapping your foot against mine is an accident but just say it like it is. You will save me from getting all pissed off at you.
When I invite my friends to go out. Downtown or whatever, I normally send them a text message saying, "Dtown??" When they can't come do you know what they say?? "Can't go, sorry." Really?? Are you saying that I should I be sad that you won't be coming out?? I should be sorry that YOU are not coming out because I will have a very enjoyable time with our closest friends, meeting people and doing the crazy things that we do. So why would YOU say you're sorry to me because YOU can't come out?? ah ah?? tell me ... why?? lol
At least they don't say, "Sorry buddy." Because if you call me buddy I will PUNCH you in the nose next time I see you. The only time you are aloud to say the word buddy to me is when you tell me that I'm on your buddy list or or when you are wondering if you are in my buddy list. So please. dont call me buddy. I dont like that. Or the second time I see you, you will have a black eye. You can call me "man" I like that, it makes me feel like a man. Or friend, call me friend. Makes me feel important. But buddy?? Im not your 5 year old buddy. But don't worry if youve call me buddy before and you didnt know I hate the word, but now that you know, you better not call me that.
Anyways, back to the main subject. It bothers me when the girls talk between them and I just happen to hear this, or on MTV or whenever you hear girls talking between them and they tell each other that the word LOVE is overused. Really?? Is it really overused?? I mean, (in a girly voice), "Oh my God, (blank name) told me I love you and I just don't know what that means. Does he really love me or is he just trying to get in my pants? Oh gosh, that word is so overused." For real??? You know what word is really overused I'm Sorry. Sorry I banged your best friend. Sorry I couldn't make it to your show. Sorry Im so stupid I didnt know what I was doing. Dont you rather hear the I love you than the Im sorry?? Oh and let me give you a recommendation. Next time you break up with someone, right at the end of everything when you know everything is done and lost. And he/she is walking away dont yell "I'm sorry!!" Please dont do that!!! PLEASE!!! You know what you should say??? "I love you!!" I know it will send a very wrong message but you know what?? He/She will feel so much better later, I promise. Maybe a little confuse. But much better than if you had said "I'm sorry!!" So dont say youre sorry. I beg you.
"I don't think I love you, I'm sorry." WRONG
"I don't think I love you, love you." WAY BETTER!! confusing but better.
Anyways. I'm not trying to say that you can never say I'm Sorry but really think when you use it and don't overuse it. It bothers people like me.
Dr. So-Ree-Uz
P.S. Yes. Im a bit of a hypocrite 'cause I use it too so IM SORRY about that. And yes, I do lots of things that bother others so BRING IT ON.
(While watching Superbad)
"My name is McLovin chicka chika yea yea!!"- McLovin
Blast From The Past: Liam Gallagher
3 hours ago
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